Help:Students and writers

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    Scholarpedia articles are meant to be authoritative "living reviews" authored and maintained by those best qualified to do so.

    That Scholarpedia Curators are readily recognized as topic authorities is essential to this project. It ensures that articles are trustworthy when they are initially published, and that no edits to the article compromise its accuracy.

    However, the participation of a wide range of users is also vital to Scholarpedia's development and maintenance.

    Writers, graduate students, and non-academics are encouraged to participate by:

    • helping experts to author new scholarly encyclopedia articles by becoming an assistant editor
    • proposing revisions to existing articles
    • co-authoring new articles in cooperation with one or more top experts (see below).

    Co-author articles with top experts

    If you are interested in co-authoring an article with a top expert, we recommend you proceed as follows.

    1. Determine who are the most widely recognized experts on the potential article's topic
    2. Contact one of these experts and convince him or her to act as the article's "established expert".
    3. Reserve an article and get all co-authors join the article author list.
    4. From among the list of Scholarpedia Curators/Editors, find a Sponsor for your article, who is going to validate that your author list includes a world's top expert. Getting a sponsorship reserves the article for you for a fixed period of time while you write and publish it.
    5. Write!
    6. From among the list of Scholarpedia Curators, find two to review and approve your article for publication. All the process should be concluded within two months from the sponsorship. See Help:Authors for more details.
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