Scholarpedia:Follow up Canceled Invitation

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    Dear %NAME%,

    Thank you very much for getting back to me regarding the invitation to contribute "%TITLE%" to %ENCYCLOPEDIA% (

    I completely understand how busy you are and I appreciate the value of your time.

    We are trying to create a perpetually up-to-date source of information that would be maintained by the future generation of experts. This is why we spend so much time and effort to enlist the best living experts to write on the topics of their major discoveries. You can see the list of prominent participants of Scholarpedia at

    If this article is written by you, more experts will be willing to become its curators, say 50 years from now. (Scholarpedia will display the history of the original and all subsequent curators of this article).

    I would strongly recommend that you take a junior co-author, e.g., a former student or a postdoc, so that your involvement with this project is restricted to the most essential issues. You can decide on the order of authors among yourselves. Your co-author will take care of this topic in Scholarpedia on the long run, as your co-curator.

    Remember that your article could be cited as any other article in a peer-reviewed journal. Because of the internal structure of Scholarpedia, its articles are typically at the top of Google search results, bringing many readers. Recent "Nature Physics" editorial discussed the success of Scholarpedia as " intrinsic part of the academic landscape"

    If you cannot write this short entry under any circumstances, could you send me the name of the greatest living expert to invite to write this entry; think of somebody who would be remembered 50 years from now as the person who has made the most fundamental contribution to the topic of "%TITLE%".

    I hope you will accept this invitation. Please, contact me directly if you have questions.

    Sincerely yours, %SIGNATURE%

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