Scholarpedia:Invitation to Fluid Dynamics

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    Dear %NAME%,

    As the Editor of the Encyclopedia of Fluid Dynamics, I would like to invite you to author a short article entitled "%TITLE%" for Scholarpedia - the free peer-reviewed online encyclopedia. This ambitious and unique project is a synthesis of philosophies of Encyclopedia Britannica and Wikipedia, and I invite you to read more about it at Your article will be peer-reviewed, and upon acceptance, you will become the curator of the topic "%TITLE%" in Scholarpedia (see below).

    Most articles in Scholarpedia are written by the original authors or major contributors. For example, Benoit Mandelbrot, the inventor of fractals, writes "Fractals" and "Mandelbrot Set". Edward Lorenz and Jim Yorke, the discoverers of chaos, write "Butterfly Effect" and "Chaos", respectively. Charles H. Townes, the creator of lasers, writes "Laser". John J. Hopfield, the creator of a popular neural net, writes "Hopfield Network", and so on for many disciplines. Among authors of Scholarpedia are 11 Nobel Laureates and 4 Fields Medalists. Please, view to see the level of participants of Scholarpedia. Click "Random article" (left menu) to see examples of peer-reviewed articles. You can write your article alone. However, we strongly recommend that you have a co-author (e.g., a former student or a postdoc) who would co-curate the article in the long term. If you want to change the title or have other preferences, please let me know.

    I have created the following account for you in Scholarpedia: Username: %USERNAME% Password: %PASSWORD% To accept this invitation, please click %URL% There, you will choose your self-imposed deadline.

    If you cannot write this article within a reasonable period of time, please let us know as soon as possible by clicking %URL%&no=1 In this case, we would highly appreciate your suggesting the names of the best experts to invite to write this article.

    The principal idea of Scholarpedia is that articles should outlive their authors via the process of curatorship. Similarly to Wikipedia, anybody can edit or revise articles in Scholarpedia, even after they are peer-reviewed and published. For example, other scientists may find and correct an error in your article, add a figure, rewrite a paragraph that is not clearly written, and so on. In contrast to Wikipedia, each article in Scholarpedia has a Curator (typically, its author), whose name is at the top of the article and who accepts or rejects each such revision. For example, if you read an article in Wikipedia on "Mandelbrot Set", you do not know who wrote it and whether or not you could trust it. If you read Scholarpedia article "Mandelbrot Set", which is authored and curated by Benoit Mandelbrot, then you know that everything there is either written by or was later approved by Dr. Mandelbrot. In this sense, Scholarpedia is unlike anything that has ever been done with scientific publications. Another unique feature of Scholarpedia is that its authors are either invited by an Editor or elected by the public. Public election of authors ensures fairness in assigning articles to the corresponding experts in each field.

    I look forward to hearing from you.

    Sincerely Yours Dr. Oleg Schilling Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA (Editor of "Fluid Dynamics" in Scholarpedia).

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