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    Professor %NAME%:

    Would your schedule allow you to peer-review the entry "%TITLE%" by %AUTHORS% for Scholarpedia? This article is at %URLtitle%.

    To agree, please, click the following link %URL%

    If you cannot review this article, please follow the link %URLdecline% to decline this assignment. I would appreciate it greatly if you could recommend other reviewers who have expertise in this topic (using the form in the link above).

    You will have %DAYSFORREVIEW% days for review.

    Your username is '%USERNAME%'. %PASSWORDPHRASE%

    The review process in Scholarpedia is different from that of other peer-reviewed journals: It is more effective and you may actually find it interesting. In particular, you could modify the article directly and your review will be stored in the public archive and available to the community even 50 years from now.

    For your information, Scholarpedia is a free peer reviewed encyclopedia written by scholars; see <> for more details.

    If you cannot review this article, please let me know as soon as possible.

    Sincerely yours, %SIGNATURE%

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