User:Jonathan R. Williford/Recommendations
From Scholarpedia
- Make it easy for authors to find active editors by category or encyclopedia.
- Make Neuroscience (or experimental neuroscience) it's own encyclopedia.
- Update Scholarpedia:Contact_us and put link below "Help" link in left navigation.
- Enable secure login (https).
- Remove references to "weekly" for the featured author column.
- Improve reviewer request system.
- Make it more difficult for edits to be discarded (for edits that take a long time, like an hour or two). There are some auto-save/draft extensions that are in beta (although is made by the Trevor Parscal).
- Check print view of diff.
- Add links to help for each step in the writing-article-banner.
- Add screenshots for help pages.
- Add a "featured article" - might be easier to update than featured author.