Help talk:Frequently Asked Questions

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    Five minor typographical errors on your Scholarpedia FAQ page

    I’m a longtime Wikipedia contributor who is interested in making occasional edits to Scholarpedia, initially limited to grammar, punctuation and spelling. I have also made many volunteer contributions to, and Distributed Proofreaders. I am a professional editor employed by the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia, but I would make any such suggested edits on my own behalf in a spirit of kindness, never of malice. I'm posting here because my email to <> bounced back to me, presumably having been considered spam.

    I’ve found minor errors in five sections of the Help: Frequently Asked Questions page: <>:

    1. under Section 1.1, you use three hyphens in a row, which should be corrected to an em dash.
    2. under Section 1.2, the same error is repeated, where again, three hyphens should be an em dash.
    3. under Section 3.2, per the website, «whomever», being used as the subject of «approves an article», should be corrected to «whoever».
    4. under Section 3.9, the phrase «we have decide» should be corrected to «we have decided».
    5. under Section 5.1, in two places you use two hyphens in a row where an em dash should be used instead.

    As I do not have editing privileges, I hope that a recognized Scholarpedia editor can make the recommended edits instead.

    Kind regards,

    Erik Bjørn Pedersen (talk) 01:07, 18 January 2022 (UTC)

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