Scholarpedia:Invitation to Motor Control

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    Dear %NAME%,

    As editor, I would like to invite you to write a short entry "%TITLE%" for the new Encyclopedia of Motor Control section of Scholarpedia. We have some exciting articles already commissioned including

    Action and perception (Mel Goodale), Bayesian sensorimotor control (Konrad Koerding), Dystonia (Terry Sanger), Locomotor learning (Amy Bastian), Motor Cortex Control (Stephen Scott) Motor Cortex Representations (John Kalaska), Neural Prosthetics (Krishna Shenoy), Object manipulation (Randy Flanagan), Optimal Feedback Control (Emo Todorov) and Reach learning: (Reza Shadmehr).

    We would love to have an article from you to add to this growing collection and you are welcome to invite co-authors to join you.

    As you may know Scholarpedia ( is a peer-reviewed encyclopedia. Your article will be peer-reviewed, cited (as any other journal article), and freely available online. In addition, you will become the curator (owner) of the topic "%TITLE%" in Scholarpedia (see below, but in reality a minimal commitment).

    Scholarpedia already has a growing Computational Neuroscience/Neuroscience section. If you take a look at

    you will see the vision section, for example, has over 120 articles by luminaries in the field. Our aim is to populate an equally impressive Motor Control section with short articles suitable for graduate level students, acting as a high-quality online encyclopedic reference for the community. To achieve this target, we will invite the world--acknowledged experts to write on each topic.

    Below you will find more detailed information on Scholarpedia. To flourish, we need the help of the key experts in the field, including yours. If you are interested in writing the entry, we can invite co-authors you trust (main collaborators or younger researchers) to help you in the task.

    If you accept this invitation, after reviewers' approval, the article will be published in our free on-line journal (ISSN 1941-6016 by the Library of Congress, USA) and will be citable like eg %NAME% (2011) %TITLE%. Scholarpedia, 1(3):1300".

    Please notify us of your decision as soon as possible:

    • To formally ACCEPT this invitation, and to create an account in Scholarpedia, follow the link %URL%
    • To DECLINE the invitation, follow instead the link: %URL%&no=1 (In this case suggestions for alternative authors will be greatly appreciated.)

    If you are interested in becoming a Scholarpedia author, but you prefer to contribute with a different entry, or if you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

    I hope you will accept this invitation; if you cannot write this article within a reasonable period of time (3-6 months), please let me know (by clicking one of the two links above) so that I can invite another expert for this article. In any case I would be grateful for your quick response

    I look forward to hearing from you and hope you will join us in this endeavor.

    Daniel Wolpert, University of Cambridge

    Editor of the Encyclopedia of Motor Control



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    About the Encyclopedia of Motor Control

    The "Encyclopedia of Motor Control" is a young Scholarpedia project started in January 2011.

    For up-to-date information see

    Your article

    If you accept our invitation, your article will be peer-reviewed and freely available online after his completion. After its approval, the article will be archived in Scholarpedia's free online journal (ISSN 1941-6016 by the Library of Congress, USA) [3] and it will be cited like eg "Izhikevich E. M. (2006) Bursting. Scholarpedia, 1(3):1300". or more precisely "Izhikevich E. M. (2006) Bursting. Scholarpedia, 1(3):1300, revision 1401"

    As an author you will have the freedom to select the copyright policy for your article from the choices: (1) author owns the copyright and licenses the content to Scholarpedia, (2) Creative Commons, (3) GNU FDL.

    In addition to being the author of the article, you will become its curator. Curatorship task typically takes less than one hour per year; in any case curator is free to resign at any moment (and to choose a successor he trusts).

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    The following account was created for you in Scholarpedia: Username: %USERNAME% Password: %PASSWORD%


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    Suggestions and self-candidature for other entries

    Suggestions for other topics which another expert (or maybe you) could write, are in any case welcome, especially if you feel that your article is not fully self-consistent and needs some other correlated articles to be understandable. Before sending a suggestion for an author, be sure that your candidate is a universally-acknowledged authority of the field. To submit suggestions, please follow instructions at


    Articles in Scholarpedia are presently written in Wikitext markup language. Wikitext is intended to be simpler than LaTeX2e and anyway allows for writing equations in LaTeX2e (with AMS-LaTeX package). An average Latex user can learn how to write an article in few hours.

    IMPORTANT REMARK: If you feel you cannot deal with wikitext consider having a young co-author to help you in this task. In any case do not give up for this reason: we have a few (just a few!) assistant editors (volunteer students) that will be happy to help you in the task.

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